2416. chay
Lexical Summary
chay: alive, living
Original Word: חַי
Transliteration: chay
Phonetic Spelling: (khah'-ee)
Part of Speech: Adjective; feminine; noun masculine; noun feminine; noun feminine; noun masculine; Adjective; noun feminine
Short Definition: alive, living
Meaning: alive, raw, fresh, strong, life
Strong's Concordance
age, alive, appetite, wild beast, company, congregation, lifetime, lively,

From chayah; alive; hence, raw (flesh); fresh (plant, water, year), strong; also (as noun, especially in the feminine singular and masculine plural) life (or living thing), whether literally or figuratively -- + age, alive, appetite, (wild) beast, company, congregation, life(-time), live(-ly), living (creature, thing), maintenance, + merry, multitude, + (be) old, quick, raw, running, springing, troop.

see HEBREW chayah


H2416. chay

I. חַיadjective alive, living; — ׳חGenesis 25:6 +; חָ֑י3:20 +, חֵיAmos 8:14 15t. (Ew§ 329 explains as construct, but Ges§ 93, R 7 n and others as contracted absolute); feminine חַיָּהGenesis 1:20 +; plural חַיִּיםPsalm 116:9 +; —

1. a. of God, as the living one, the fountain of life חַי אֵלJoshua 3:10 (J), Hosea 2:1; Psalm 42:3; 84:3; חי אלהים2 Kings 19:4, 16 = Isaiah 37:4, 17; חיים אלהיםDeuteronomy 5:23; 1 Samuel 17:26, 36; Jeremiah 10:10; 23:36; יהוה חיYahweh is living Psalm 18:47 = 2 Samuel 22:47; חי גאליmy avenger is living Job 19:25; the formula of the oath is י ׳חַיJudges 8:19; Ruth 3:13; 1 Samuel 14:39, 45; 19:6; 20:21; 25:34; 26:10, 16; 28:10; 29:6; 2 Samuel 4:9; 12:5; 14:11; 15:21; 1 Kings 1:29; 2:24; 17:1, 12; 18:10; 22:14 2 Chronicles 18:13; 2 Kings 5:16, 20; Hosea 4:15; Jeremiah 4:2; 5:2; 12:16; 16:14-15, 23:7-8, 38:16; אל חיJob 27:2; ׳ח האלהים2 Samuel 2:27; י אדני ׳חיJeremiah 44:26; י ׳תי צבאות1 Kings 18:15; 2 Kings 3:14; as used by God Himself it is אנכי חיDeuteronomy 32:40, elsewhere אני חיNumbers 14:21, 28 (P) Isaiah 49:18; Jeremiah 22:24; 46:18; Ezekiel 5:11; 14:16, 18, 20; 16:48; 17:16, 19; 18:3; 20:3, 31, 33; 33:11, 27; 34:8; 35:6, 11; Zephaniah 2:9, compare also דן אלהיך חֵי שׁבע, באר דרך חֵיAmos 8:14; with the exception of הָעֹולָם בְּחֵיby him who liveth for ever Daniel 12:7, חֵי‎ is always (as an artificial distinction of scribes) used of non-sacred oaths, see

b. of man: חַי אָדָםa living man Lamentations 3:39, in antith ׃מֵת חי חיIsaiah 38:19; הַחַי‎ collective Ecclesiastes 7:2; Absalom 2 Samuel 19:7; Naboth 1 Kings 21:15; a son or lad 2 Samuel 12:21; 1 Kings 3:22 (twice in verse); 3:23 (twice in verse); 3:25-26, (twice in verse); 3:27; 17:23; usually plural חייםalive, living Numbers 16:30, 33 (J), 17:13 (P), Deuteronomy 4:4; 5:3; Isaiah 8:19; Psalm 55:16; 124:3; Proverbs 1:12; Ecclesiastes 4:2 (twice in verse); 4:15; 6:8; 9:4-5, Ruth 2:20; taking prisoners alive Joshua 8:23 (J) 1 Samuel 15:8; 1 Kings 20:18 (twice in verse); 2 Kings 7:12; 10:14 (twice in verse); 2 Chronicles 25:12; living (prosperously) 1 Samuel 25:6 (We reads לָחִי‎ = לְאָחִי‎ (see Klo Dr) to my brother, after ᵑ9fratribus meis); elsewhere in phrase (פני‎) על חיים (אַתֶּם) הֵם אשׁר כלהֿימים האדמהall the days that they (ye) live upon (the face of) of the land Deuteronomy 4:10; 12:1; 31:13; 1 Kings 8:40 2 Chronicles 6:31. Note phrases: (יםׅ חַי עוֺדyet alive Genesis 25:6; 43:7, 27, 28; 45:28; 46:30 (J), 45:3, 26; Exodus 4:18 (E), Deuteronomy 31:27; 1 Samuel 20:14; 2 Samuel 12:22; 18:14; 1 Kings 20:32; חי בהיות2 Samuel 12:18; 1 Kings 12:6; 2 Chronicles 10:6; (ה)חַיִים אֶרֶץland of the living Isaiah 38:11; 53:8; Jeremiah 11:19; Ezekiel 26:20; 32:23-24, 25, 26, 27, 32; Psalm 27:13; 52:7; 142:6; Job 28:13; הח ׳ארצותPsalm 116:9; ח ׳ספר69:29; הח ׳צרורbundle of the living 1 Samuel 25:29; הח ׳אורlight of the living Job 33:30; Psalm 56:14. In the oath by life of men חי‎ is pointed always המלך ׃חֵי אדני חֵיas my lord the king liveth 2 Samuel 15:21; פרעה חֵיGenesis 42:15-16, (E); נַפְשְׁךָ חֵי1 Samuel 1:26; 17:55; 2 Samuel 14:19; ׳י נַפְשְׁךָ וְחֵי ׳חַas Yahweh liveth and as thy soul (or thyself) liveth 1 Samuel 20:3; 25:26; 2 Kings 2:2, 4, 6; 4:30 נ ׳וְחֵי חַיֶּךָ2 Samuel 11:11 (but on text see We Dr).

c. of animals, alive, living: ox Exodus 21:35; 22:3 (E); goat Leviticus 16:10, 20, 21 (P); bird 14:4, 6 (twice in verse); 14:7, 51, 53; dog, הַמֵּת מִןהָֿאַרְיֵה טוֺב הוּא חַי לְכֶלֶבEcclesiastes 9:4 (compare Arabic proverb Kelb µei wa-lâ meijit, a living dog and no dead lion WetzstVerhand. Berl. Anthrop. Ges. 1878, 388); reptiles Genesis 1:28 (P); animals in General 9:3 (P); חי בשׂרliving, raw flesh Leviticus 13:10, 14, 15 (twice in verse); 13:16 (P) 1 Samuel 2:15.

d. animals and man, phrases for either or both: ח ׳כלGenesis 3:20; 8:21 (J) Job 12:10; 28:21; 30:23; Psalm 143:2; 145:16; החי כלGenesis 6:19 (P); חַיָּה נֶפֶשׁ1:20, 24, 30 (P) 2:7, 19 (J); חַיָּה נֶפֶשׁ כל9:12, 15, 16 (P) Ezekiel 47:9; החיה נפשׁ כלGenesis 1:21; 9:10; Leviticus 11:10, 46 (P).

e. (dubious) of vegetation, as thorns, green, Psalm 58:10 (Ges Ew Ol Pe, but De Ri Che Bae raw flesh, see

c. above near the end) feminine of water, flowing, fresh חיים מיםGenesis 26:19 (J), Leviticus 14:5-6, 50, 51, 52; 15:13; Numbers 19:17 (P), Jeremiah 2:13; 17:13; Zechariah 14:8; Song of Solomon 4:15.

2 (dubious) lively, active: חַי אישׁan active man 2 Samuel 23:20 (but Qr חַיִל אישׁ‎ is to be preferred); חיים איבי‎ mine enemies are lively Psalm 38:20 (RV, but Houb Ol Ew Hu Che and others read חִנָּם‎, "" שׁקר‎).

3 reviving: חַיָּה כָּעֵתat the time (when it is) reviving, the spring Genesis 18:10, 14 (J), 2 Kings 4:16-17,.

II. [חַי‎] noun [masculine] kinsfolk (Arabic a group of families united by vital ties RSK 36-40 Dr Sm 119), plural suffix חַיַּי1 Samuel 18:18, incorrectly pointed with the interpretation my life RV, but read חַיִּיmy kins-flok, We Ki Dr RS SS RVm VB. It is explained by the gloss אבי משׁפחת‎ We (Klo reads וּ אַחַי‎).

I. חַיָּהnoun feminine living thing, animal (Zinjirli wild beast DHMSendsch. 34) — ׳חGenesis 8:17 +; construct חַיַּתIsaiah 57:10 +; old case ending (poetic) חַיְתוֺGenesis 1:24; Psalm 50:10; 79:2; 104:11; 104:20; Isaiah 56:9 (twice in verse); Zephaniah 2:14; suffix חַיָּתִיPsalm 143:3, etc.; plural חַיּוֺתLeviticus 14:4 12t. —

1 animal, as living, active being:

a. in General, Genesis 8:17; Leviticus 11:2, 27, 47 (twice in verse); Numbers 35:3 (P) Psalm 104:25; Isaiah 46:1; Daniel 8:4.

b. wild animals, on account of their vital energy and activity Genesis 7:14, 21; 8:1, 19; 9:5 (P) Leviticus 17:13; 25:7 (H) Job 37:8; Psalm 148:10; Isaiah 40:16; Ezekiel 14:15; 33:27; Zephaniah 2:14-15, קנה ׳חPsalm 68:31 wild animal of the reeds; ׳ח רעהevil beast Genesis 37:20, 33 (JE) Leviticus 26:6 (H) Ezekiel 5:17; 14:15, 21; 34:25; ׳ח טמאהLeviticus 5:2 (P) unclean beast; ׳ח הארץGenesis 1:25, 30; 9:2, 10 (twice in verse) (P) 1 Samuel 17:46; Ezekiel 29:5; 32:4; 34:28; Job 5:22; ארץ חיתוGenesis 1:24 (P) Psalm 79:2; ׳ח השׂדהExodus 23:11, 29 (covt. code.) Leviticus 26:22 (H) Deuteronomy 7:22; 2 Samuel 21:10; 2 Kings 14:9 2 Chronicles 25:18; Hosea 2:14; 2:20; 4:3; 13:8; Isaiah 43:20; Jeremiah 27:6; 28:14; Ezekiel 38:20; 39:4; Job 5:23; 39:15; ח ׳כל השׂדהGenesis 2:19-20, 3:1, 14 (J) Job 40:20; Jeremiah 12:9; Ezekiel 31:6, 13; 34:5, 8; 39:17; שׂדי חיתוIsaiah 56:9; Psalm 104:11; (ב)יער חיתוIsaiah 56:9; Psalm 50:10; 104:20; חיות מְּרִיץIsaiah 35:9 destroyer among beasts.

c. living beings, of the cherubic chariot Ezekiel 1:5, 13 (twice in verse); 1:14-15, (twice in verse); 1:19 (twice in verse); 1:20-21, 22; 3:13; 10:15, 17, 20.

2 life, only in late poetry, Psalm 143:3; Job 33:18, 20, 22, 28; 36:14; Ezekiel 7:13 (twice in verse), and (dubious) Psalm 74:19; 78:50.

3 appetite, activity of hunger: כפרים חיתappetite of young lions Job 38:39.

4 revival, renewal: מָצָאתְ יָדֵךְ חַיַּתthou didst find renewal of thy strength (re-invigoration) Isaiah 57:10; see חָיָה2.

II. חַיָּהnoun feminine (si vera lectio) community ( = feminine of II. חַי‎ according to Nö ZMG, 1886, 176) — חֹנָה מְּלִשְׁתִּים וְחַיַּתand a community of Philistines (i.e. a group of allied families, making a raid together) was encamping 2 Samuel 23:13 ( = מַחֲנֵה1 Chronicles 11:15); perhaps also Psalm 68:11 (compare below)

Note. — Several other passages are dubious: לַחַיָּה פְלִשְׁתִּים וַיֵּאָסְפוּ2 Samuel 23:11 assembled into a troop, or by bands (RV, but neither rendering justified: Bö Ew We Klo Dr rightly read לֶ֫חְיָה‎ to Leµi, compare Judges 15:9 word omitted by accident in "" 1 Chronicles 11:13 Dr); יָָֽשְׁבוּבָֿהּ חַיָּתְךָPsalm 68:11 thy troop dwelt in it (Thes SS RVm Hi Ri Che, but ᵑ6 ᵐ5‎ Jerome Pe thy (living) creatures, of the people; Hup id., reference to quails; improbable); לָנֶ֫צַח אַלתִּֿשְׁכַּח עֲנִיֶּיךָ חַיַּת תּוֺרֶךָ נֶפֶשׁ לְחַיַּת אַלתִּֿתֵּן74:19 give not the soul of thy turtle-dove to the wild beasts, the life of thine afflicted do not forget for ever: RV Hi Pe Bae Sch render thus, giving חית‎ different meanings in the two clauses, the former being archaic feminine absolute Ges§ 80, 2. R. 2; text doubtless corrupt, read possibly למות‎ Schr Ri, for לחית‎, or לשׁחת‎ Kroch; Gr either of these; Che either, or better לחרב‎.

חַיִּיםnoun masculineDeuteronomy 28:66

plural abstract emphatic life, ׳חGenesis 2:7 +; חַיִּיןJob 24:22 (Aramaism Ges§ 87 (1) a); חַיֵּיGenesis 23:1 +; suffix חַיַּי47:9 +; חַיָּ֑יְכִיPsalm 103:4; (Ges§ 91 (2) R. 2), etc.; —

1 life: physical Genesis 27:46; Exodus 1:14 (P), Deuteronomy 28:66 (twice in verse); 2 Samuel 11:11; 15:21; Isaiah 38:12; Jeremiah 8:23; Lamentations 3:53, 58; Ezekiel 7:13; Job 3:20; 7:7; 9:21; 10:12; 24:22; Psalm 7:6; 17:14; 21:5; 26:9; 31:11; 34:13; 63:4; 64:2; 66:9; 88:4; 103:4; Proverbs 18:21; Ecclesiastes 2:17; 6:12; 7:13; 9:9 (twice in verse); 10:19; Jonah 2:7; 4:3, 8; שׂרה חַיֵּיlife of Sarah Genesis 23:1(P) ח ׳שְׁנֵיyears of the life of 2 Samuel 19:35; Genesis 23:1; 25:7, 17; 47:8-9, (twice in verse); 47:28; Exodus 6:16, 18, 20 (P); לח ׳שָׁנָהGenesis 7:11 (P); חַיִּים שְׁנוֺתProverbs 3:2; 4:10; 9:11; ח ׳יְמֵיdays of the life of Ecclesiastes 2:3; 5:17; 5:19; 6:12; 8:15; 9:9; ח יְמֵי ׳כֹּלGenesis 3:14, 17 (J) Deuteronomy 4:9; 6:2; 16:3; 17:19; Joshua 1:5; 4:14 (D) 1 Samuel 1:11; 7:15; 1 Kings 5:1; 11:34; 15:5-6, 2 Kings 25:29-30, = Jeremiah 52:33-34, Isaiah 38:20 (poem of Hez.) Psalm 23:6; 27:4; 128:5; Proverbs 31:12; ׳בּחin or during one's life Genesis 27:46 (P) Leviticus 18:18 (H) Judges 16:30; 2 Samuel 1:23; 18:18; Psalm 49:19; 63:5; 104:33; 146:2; Job 10:1; Ecclesiastes 3:12; 9:3; ח ׳רוּחַGenesis 6:17; 7:15 (P); ׳ח רוּחִיIsaiah 38:16 (poem of Hez.); ׳ח בשׂריםProverbs 14:30; ח (רוּחַ) ׳נִשְׁמַתGenesis 2:7; 7:22 (J).

2 life: as welfare and happiness in king's presence Proverbs 16:15; as consisting of earthly felicity combined (often) with spiritual blessedness Deuteronomy 30:6, 15, 19 (twice in verse); 30:20; 32:47; Psalm 30:6; 133:3; Proverbs 3:22; 4:13, 22; 8:35; 10:16; 11:19; 12:28; 19:23; 21:21; 22:4; Malachi 2:5; used only once distinctly of eternal life (late) ׳ח עולםDaniel 12:2; חַיָּ֑י אֵלPsalm 42:9 God of my life; ח ׳מעוז27:1; ח ׳מקור36:10; Proverbs 10:11; 13:14; 14:27; 16:22; (ה)חַיִּים עֵץGenesis 2:9; 3:22, 24 (J) Proverbs 3:18; 11:30; 13:12; 15:4; ח ׳ארחPsalm 16:11; Proverbs 5:6; 15:24; לח ׳ארח10:17; ח ׳ארחות2:19; (ה)חַיִּים דֶּרֶךְ6:23; Jeremiah 21:8; ח ׳חקּותEzekiel 33:15; ח ׳תּוצאותProverbs 4:23 sources (origin and direction) of life; ח ׳תוכחת15:31; לַחַיִּים כָּתוּבIsaiah 4:3 written unto life.

3 sustenance, maintenance: לְנַעֲרוֺתֶיךָ חַיִּיםProverbs 27:27 maintenance for thy maidens, see מִחְיַה‎ below

חַיadjective living (Biblical Hebrew id); —

1 of God: absolute ׳חDaniel 4:31, emphatic חַיָא6:21. 27; men, plural emphatic חַיַיָאthe lilving 2:30; 4:14.

2 plural as abstract noun life (Biblical Hebrew חַיִּים‎): חַיִּיןDaniel 7:12; construct חַיֵּיEzra 6:10.

חֵיוָה חֵיוָא,noun feminine beast (Biblical Hebrew II. חַיָה‎); — absolute אָ֯Daniel 4:13, הָ֯7:5. 7:7; emphatic חֵיוְתָא7:6. 7:11. 7:19, 23, and (collective) 4:11-12, 5:21; construct (collective) בָּרָא חֵיוַת2:38; 4:9, 18, 20, 22, 29; plural absolute חֵיוָן7:3, emphatic חֵיוָתָא7:7, 12. 7:17.


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