1419. gadol
Lexical Summary
gadol: great
Original Word: גָּדוֹל
Transliteration: gadol
Phonetic Spelling: (gaw-dole')
Part of Speech: Adjective
Short Definition: great
Meaning: great, older, insolent
Strong's Concordance
aloud, elder, exceedingly, far, man of great man, matter, thing, high,

Or (shortened) gadol {gaw-dole'}; from gadal; great (in any sense); hence, older; also insolent -- + aloud, elder(-est), + exceeding(-ly), + far, (man of) great (man, matter, thing,-er,-ness), high, long, loud, mighty, more, much, noble, proud thing, X sore, (X) very.

see HEBREW gadal


H1419. gadol

גָּדוֺל522 adjective great׳גGenesis 4:13 279t.; גָּדֹלDeuteronomy 26:8 22t.; construct גְּדוֺלEzekiel 17:3, 7; Jeremiah 32:19, גְּדָלֿProverbs 19:19, גְּדָו֯לֿPsalm 145:8; Nahum 1:3; suffix גְּדוֺלָםJeremiah 6:13 2t.; plural גְּדוֺלִיםExodus 7:4 11t., גְּדֹלִיםGenesis 12:17 22t.; construct גְּדֹלֵי2 Kings 10:6; suffix גְּדֹלָיו10:11; Jonah 3:7; גְּדוֺלֶיהָNahum 3:10; feminine גְּדוֺלָהNumbers 22:18 96t.; גְּדֹלָהGenesis 15:12 31t.; plural גְּדוֺלֹתNehemiah 9:26; 12:31, גְּדֹלוֺתDeuteronomy 27:2 30t., גְּדֹלֹתNumbers 13:28 7t.; — great,

1 in magnitude and extent, e.g. sea Numbers 34:6, river Genesis 15:18, wilderness Deuteronomy 1:19, rain 1 Kings 18:45, mountain Zechariah 4:7, city Genesis 10:12, house Jeremiah 52:13, altar Joshua 22:10, throne 2 Chronicles 9:17, sea-monsters Genesis 1:21, fish Jonah 2:1, eagle Ezekiel 17:3, terebinth 2 Samuel 18:9, substance Genesis 15:14, wealth Daniel 11:2, victory 1 Samuel 19:5, 22 הַגָּדוֺל בּוֺר‎ read ׳ב הַגֹּרֶן‎ according to ᵐ5‎ We Dr.

2 in number, e.g. nation Genesis 12:2, congregation Jeremiah 31:8, camp 1 Chronicles 12:22, army Ezekiel 17:17, sacrifice 2 Kings 10:19, slaughter Deuteronomy 28:59; 1 Samuel 4:17.

3 in intensity, fear Deuteronomy 4:34, weeping Isaiah 38:3, power כּחַExodus 32:11, joy Jonah 4:6, anger Deuteronomy 29:23, indignation Jeremiah 21:5, sin Genesis 20:9, iniquity 4:13, evil 39:9, trespass Ezekiel 9:7.

4 in sound, loud voice Genesis 39:14, cry Exodus 11:6, shout Joshua 6:5.

5 in age, elder, eldest, son Genesis 27:1, daughter 29:16, brother 10:21, sister Ezekiel 16:46.

6 in importance,

a. things (הַ)גָּדֹל (הַ)דָּבָרan important thing or affair Exodus 18:22; Deuteronomy 4:32; 1 Samuel 12:16; 2 Kings 5:12; 8:13; יהוה יוםJeremiah 30:7; Hosea 2:2; Joel 2:11; 3:4; Zephaniah 1:14; Malachi 3:23.

b. of men, great, distinguished, Moses Exodus 11:3, David 2 Samuel 5:10, Job Job 1:3, Mordecai Esther 9:4, kings Ecclesiastes 9:14; Jeremiah 27:7; especially of king of Assyr. הַגָּדוֺל הַמֶּלֶךְ2 Kings 18:19, 28 = Isaiah 36:4, 18, = Assyrian šarru rabbu, šarru dannu, e.g. KBi. 94, 1. 1; הַגָּדוֺל הַכֹּהֵןthe h.p. Leviticus 21:10 20t.; גָּדוֺל (הָ)אִישׁ1 Samuel 25:2; 2 Samuel 19:33; 2 Kings 5:1; גְדוֺלָה אִשָּׁה4:8; גָּדוֺלa great man 2 Samuel 3:38; Micah 7:3; גָדוֺל מְּנֵי תֶהְדַּר לֹאthou shalt not honour (favour) the person of a great man (opposed to דָּל‎) Leviticus 19:15 (H); (הַ)גְּדוֺלִיםthe great 2 Samuel 7:9 = 1 Chronicles 17:8; Nehemiah 11:14 (see below) Proverbs 18:16; 25:6; Jeremiah 5:5 (2 Kings 10:11 ᵐ5L ἀγχιστεύοντας, Klo גֹּאֲלָיו‎); further הָעִיר גְּדֹלֵי10:6; (כָּלֿ)גְּדֹלָיו10:11; Jonah 3:7; גְּדוֺלֶיהָ כָּלֿNahum 3:10.

c. of God, himself2 Chronicles 2:4; Nehemiah 4:8; 8:6; Psalm 86:10; 99:2; 135:5; 147:5; Isaiah 12:6; Jeremiah 10:6; (הַ)גָּדוֺל (הָ)אֵלDeuteronomy 7:21; 10:17; Nehemiah 1:5; 9:32; Psalm 77:14; 95:3; Jeremiah 32:18; Daniel 9:4; האלהים מכל גדולExodus 18:11; מאד ומהלל גדול1 Chronicles 16:25; Psalm 48:2; 96:4; 145:3; גדול מלך47:3; 95:3; Malachi 1:14; his works Deuteronomy 11:7; Judges 2:7; Psalm 111:2, glory 21:6; 138:5, name Joshua 7:9; 1 Samuel 12:22; 1 Kings 8:42; 2 Chronicles 6:32; Psalm 76:2; 99:3; Jeremiah 10:6; 44:26; Ezekiel 36:23; Malachi 1:11 (twice in verse), mercy 1 Kings 3:6; 2 Chronicles 1:8; Psalm 57:11; 86:13; 108:5, goodness Nehemiah 9:25, compassion Isaiah 54:7.

7 in phrases גָּדוֺל הַיּוֺם עוֺדit is yet high day (French grand jour, German hoch am Tage, the day is at its height) Genesis 29:7; כַּגָּדֹל כַּקָּטֹן‎ (or reverse) as well small as great Deuteronomy 1:17; 1 Chronicles 25:8; 26:13; 2 Chronicles 31:15; גָּדוֺל וְעַד (לְ)מִקָּטֹן‎ (or reverse) from small to great Genesis 19:11; 1 Samuel 5:9; 30:2, 19; 2 Kings 23:2; 25:26; 2 Chronicles 15:13; 34:30; Esther 1:5, 20; Jeremiah 6:13; 8:10; 31:34; 42:1, 8; 44:12; Jonah 3:5.

8 construct (הַ)כְּנָפַיִם גְּדֹלgreat of wings Ezekiel 17:8, 7, so of anger Proverbs 19:19 (Qr); usually of God, in power Nahum 1:3, counsel Jeremiah 32:19, mercy Psalm 145:8.

9 as substantive concrete גדלות עשׂהdo great things, of God's great acts of redemption and judgement Deuteronomy 10:21; Job 5:9; 9:10; 37:5; Psalm 71:19; 106:21; of the miracles of Elisha 2 Kings 8:4; of things too great and so presumptuous, haughty ג ׳תבקשׁJeremiah 45:5; ג ׳מדברתPsalm 12:4; לאבג ׳הלכתי131:1 (compare Biblical Aramaic Daniel 7:8, 11, 20; also Revelation 13:5).

10 as substantive neuter greatness of arm Exodus 15:16; compare גָּבֹהַּ4


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