7993. shalak
Lexical Summary
shalak: to throw, fling, cast
Original Word: שָׁלַךְ
Transliteration: shalak
Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-lak)
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to throw, fling, cast
Meaning: to throw out, down, away
Strong's Concordance
adventure, cast away, down, forth, off, out, hurl, pluck,

A primitive root; to throw out, down or away (literally or figuratively) -- adventure, cast (away, down, forth, off, out), hurl, pluck, throw.


H7993. shalak

[שָׁלַךְ‎]125 verb Hiph`il112 throw, fling, cast (Phoenician שלד‎ in compare proper name, meaning dubious; Arabic is travel (or cause to travel) along a road, cause to enter); — Perfect3masculine singular הִשְׁלִיךְAmos 8:3 +; 2 masculine singular suffix consecutive וְהִשְׁלַכְּתּוֺJeremiah 51:63; 2feminine plural consecutive וְהִשְׁלַכְתֶּ֫נָהAmos 4:3, etc.; Imperfect יַשְׁלִיךְIsaiah 2:20, וַיַּשְׁלֵךְJudges 9:17 +, etc.; Imperative masculine singular הַשְׁלֵךְExodus 7:9; Psalm 55:23, feminine singular הַשְׁלִיכִיJeremiah 7:29, etc.; Infinitive absolute הַשְׁלֵךְ22:19; 36:23; construct הַשְׁלִיךְEcclesiastes 3:5-6, etc.; Participle מֵשְׁלְיךְMicah 2:5; Psalm 147:17, etc.; —

1 usually human subject, throw, cast:

a. accusative of thing, with many preposition: e.g. אָל‎ location 2 Kings 23:12; Ezekiel 5:4; Zechariah 5:8 (twice in verse) +, also (accusative of thing omitted) Exodus 15:25 (J), Numbers 19:6 (P) +; ב‎ loc, Exodus 32:24 (E), Ezekiel 7:19 +; rarely ל‎ location 2 Chronicles 30:14 and (accusative omitted) 24:10; עַל‎ location 2 Kings 23:6, ָ ה‎ locative Exodus 4:3 (twice in verse), שָׁ֫מָּהJudges 8:25; 2 Kings 6:6 (accusative omitted), etc.; especially of casting dead bodies, אֶל‎ location Joshua 8:29 (J), 10:27 (J), + 3 t., ב‎ location Amos 8:3; 2 Kings 9:25-26,. 13:21, לְ מֵהָֽלְאָהJeremiah 22:19; accusative of thing + אֶל‎ person 1 Kings 19:19; 2 Samuel 20:22 (accusative omitted); accusative of thing with עַל‎ person Nahum 3:6; Judges 9:53; 2 Samuel 11:21 ( + מֵעַל‎), etc.; accusative of thing + מִיָּדExodus 32:19 (E), compare Deuteronomy 9:17 (מֵעַל‎); + ל‎ of animal Exodus 22:30 (E), Isaiah 2:20, etc.

b. with accusative of person, אֶל‎ of pit Genesis 37:22 (E), Jeremiah 38:6, 9, ב‎ of pit Genesis 37:20 (E), with ה‎ locative 37:24 (E; pit), Exodus 1:22 (J), compare Amos 4:3 (si vera lectio); תַּחַת‎ location Genesis 21:15 (E); accusative ׳י‎, figurative, with גַוֶּךָ֑ אַחֲרֵי1 Kings 14:9 (of apostasy), Ezekiel 23:35, so ׳י‎s law Nehemiah 9:26, words (אַחֲרֵי‎ person reflexive) Psalm 50:17.

c. throw away, accusative of thing Judges 15:17 (מִיָּדוֺ‎), 2 Kings 7:15; Ezekiel 20:7-8, Psalm 2:3 (מִן‎ reflexive), Ecclesiastes 3:5 (opposed to = כָּנַס‎); accusative omitted Jeremiah 7:29; Joel 1:7 (of locusts); absolute Ecclesiastes 3:6 (opposed to שָׁמַר‎); accusative of transgression Ezekiel 18:31 (figurative; מֵעַל‎ reflexive).

d. cast off, shed, blossom (like flower) Job 15:33.

e. cast down (late), subject goat, accusative ram, Daniel 8:7 (אַ֫רְצָה‎) little horn, accusative אֱמֶת8:12 (id.); accusative of person (literal) 2 Chronicles 25:12 (מִן‎ local), Job 18:7 his (own) counsel felleth him; so probably Jeremiah 9:18 they have overthrown our dwellings (Du reads Hoph`al).

f. figurative, Psalm 55:23 cast ׳עליֿthy lot.

2 ׳י‎ subject:

a. cast, accusative of thing, + עַל‎ person Joshua 10:11 (E), Job 27:22 (accusative of thing omitted); sandal upon Edom Psalm 60:10 = 108:10 (sign of possession); ice (no preposition) 147:17.

b. accusative of person + ב‎ location 2 Kings 2:16 (subject י ׳רוּחַ‎), Nehemiah 9:11; Jonah 2:4 ( + accusative of location); + אַ֫רְצָהEzekiel 28:17 (figurative); אֶל‎ location (of exile) Deuteronomy 29:27; especially of ׳י‎s rejecting men, accusative of person + מָּנָיו מֵעַל2 Kings 13:23; 24:20, compare 17:20; Jeremiah 7:15 (twice in verse); 52:3, also Psalm 51:13 and (without מִן‎) 71:9; casting sins (accusative) גֵּוְךָ אַחֲרֵיIsaiah 38:17, ב‎ location Micah 7:19.

c. cast down, honour of Israel + accusative of location, מִן‎ local, Lamentations 2:1; accusative of person Psalm 102:11 (opposed to נָשָׂא‎).

3 phrases: גּוֺרָל הִשׁיJoshua 18:8, 10 (RD) cast lots לin behalf of; ׳מַשׁ בְגוֺרָל חֶבֶלMicah 2:5 (see גּוֺרָל

3, I. חֶבֶל2); מַשׁ חַכָּה ׳בַּיְאוֺרIsaiah 19:8 i.e. fishermen; מִנֶּגֶד נַפְשׁוֺ וַיַּשְׁלֵחJudges 9:17, see נֶגֶד2c; אַשׁ ׳מִשּׁנָּיו טָ֑רֶףJob 29:17 out of his teeth I cast the prey.

Hoph`al Perfect3masculine singular הֻשְׁלַחDaniel 8:11; 2masculine singular הָשְׁלַכְתָּIsaiah 14:19, etc.; Imperfect2feminine singular וַתֻּשְׁלְכִיEzekiel 16:5; 3masculine plural יֻשְׁלָ֑כוּIsaiah 34:3; Participle מֻשְׁלָח2 Samuel 20:21, etc.; —

1 be thrown, cast, accusative of head, אֶל‎ person + בְּעַד‎ of wall 2 Samuel 20:21; carcass, ב‎ location 1 Kings 13:24-25, 28; Jeremiah 14:16; לַחֹרֶב36:30.

2 be cast forth, out, absolute of dead Isaiah 34:3; מִן‎ of grave 14:19; הַשָּׁדֶה אֶלמְּֿנֵיEzekiel 16:5 (Jerusalem personified as infant); עַלהָֿאָרֶץJeremiah 22:28 (of exile).

3 be cast down, לָאָרֶץEzekiel 19:12 (Israel, figurative of vine); absolute of sanctuary Daniel 8:11.

4 metaphor, be cast, על‎ of ׳יPsalm 22:11 (i.e. on his protection).


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