2706. choq
Lexical Summary
choq: something prescribed or owed, a statute
Original Word: חֹק
Transliteration: choq
Phonetic Spelling: (khoke)
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Short Definition: something prescribed or owed, a statute
Meaning: something prescribed or owed, a statute
Strong's Concordance
appointed, bound, commandment, convenient, custom, decreed, due, law,

From chaqaq; an enactment; hence, an appointment (of time, space, quantity, labor or usage) -- appointed, bound, commandment, convenient, custom, decree(-d), due, law, measure, X necessary, ordinance(- nary), portion, set time, statute, task.

see HEBREW chaqaq


H2706. choq

חֹק127 noun masculineMicah 7:11 something prescribed, a statute or due; — ׳חGenesis 47:22 22t.; חָקֿExodus 30:21 14t.; suffix חֻקִּיProverbs 30:8 3t.; חָקְךָLeviticus 10:13-14, etc. + 4 t. suffixes; plural חֻקִּיםDeuteronomy 4:5 31t.; construct חֻקֵּיExodus 18:16; חוּקֵּ֯יEzekiel 20:18; also חִקֲקֵיJudges 5:15; Isaiah 10:1 (Ges§ 93. 1 R 7); חֻקָּו֯Job 14:5 etc. + 44 t. suffixes —

1 prescribed task, assigned to Israel in Egypt Exodus 5:14 (E).

2 prescribed portion, or allowance of food Genesis 47:22 (twice in verse) (J); Proverbs 30:8; 31:15; Ezekiel 16:27; מחקיJob 23:12 (RV; < ᵑ9 ᵐ5‎ Ol Me Di SS בְּחֵקִיin my bosom).

3 action prescribed for oneself, resolve: לֵב חִקֲקֵיJudges 5:15 resolves of mind "" לֵב חִקְרֵי5:16.

4 prescribed due of the priests from offerings Leviticus 6:11; 10:13 (twice in verse); 10:14 (twice in verse) (P); due of ׳י6:15 (P); ׳לח עולםExodus 29:28; Leviticus 7:34; 10:15; Numbers 18:8, 11, 19 (all P), Leviticus 24:9(H); portion of oil for the תּרומהEzekiel 45:14.

5 prescribed limit, boundary: of sea Jeremiah 5:22; Proverbs 8:29; Job 26:10; 38:10; of heavens Psalm 148:6; of land of Israel Micah 7:11; of time Job 14:5, 13; so חֹ֑ק לִבְלִי פִיהָ מָּֽעֲרָהIsaiah 5:14 Sh®°ôl openeth wide her mouth, without limit.

6 enactment, decree, ordinance of either God or man:

a. specific decree: law of fifth in Egypt Genesis 47:26 (J); of passover Exodus 12:24 (J); lament for Jephthah's daughter Judges 11:39; for Josiah 2 Chronicles 35:25; ומשׁפט חקExodus 15:25; Joshua 24:25 (both E), 1 Samuel 30:25; עולם חקExodus 30:21; "" מִשְׁמָּט עֵדוּת,Psalm 81:5; 81:6 (law of a festival).

b. of ׳י‎ in nature Job 28:26.

c. respecting Messianic king Psalm 2:7; day of ׳יZephaniah 2:2 ᵑ0‎, but on text see We and טֶרֶם‎, below; covenant with Jacob Psalm 105:10 = 1 Chronicles 16:17; destiny of man Job 23:14.

d. law in General חק עליaccording to law, right Psalm 94:20 (others against law); ח ׳לַמֵּד ומשׁפטEzra 7:10; "" בּרית‎ and תורותIsaiah 25:5; "" עדותPsalm 99:7.

7 plural חֻקִּיםenactments, statutes of a law:

a. of ׳י‎ in nature Jeremiah 31:36.

b. of the prophets Zechariah 1:6.

c. conditions of deed of purchase Jeremiah 32:11.

d. enactments "" מִשְׁמָּטִים‎: ancestral Ezekiel 20:18; given by God as punishment for disobedience 20:25.

e. decrees of unjust judges חִקֲקֵיאָֿוֶןIsaiah 10:1.

f. civil enactments prescribed by God: האלהים חֻקֵּיExodus 18:16 (E; "" תּוֺרֹתָיו‎), 18:20 (E; "" id.)

g. elsewhere of prescriptions of the several codes of Hex: Leviticus 10:11; Numbers 30:17 (P), Deuteronomy 4:6; 6:24; 16:12; Psalm 119:5 20t., Malachi 3:7; "" י ׳תּוֺרַתAmos 2:4; ׳ח ותורותPsalm 105:45; הת ׳דברי ׳והחDeuteronomy 17:19; "" בריתPsalm 50:16; ׳ח ועדות וברית2 Kings 17:15; usually either "" משׁפטיםDeuteronomy 4:1, 5, 8, 14; 5:1; 11:32; 12:1; 26:16; 1 Kings 9:4 2 Chronicles 7:17; 1 Chronicles 22:13; Ezekiel 11:12; 36:27, or else ׳ח ומשׁפטים‎ combined with other synonym (usually preceding): e.g. ׅ דבר(יםPsalm 147:19; תורה2 Chronicles 33:8; Malachi 3:22; מצוהDeuteronomy 5:28; 6:1; 7:11; מצותNehemiah 1:7; 1 Kings 8:58; תורה מצוה,2 Chronicles 19:10; עֵדֹתDeuteronomy 4:45; 6:20; sometimes following: e.g. תורותLeviticus 26:46; תורה מצוה,2 Kings 17:37; or in different order, e.g. ׳ח ומצות ׳מ ותורותNehemiah 9:13; ומ ׳מצות ׳וח10:30; ׳ומ ׳ח ומצותDeuteronomy 26:17. Apart from משׁפטים‎ it is combined with מצות‎, e.g. ׳מ ׳וחExodus 15:26 (R), Deuteronomy 27:10; ׳ח ׳ומ4:40; 1 Kings 3:14; 8:61; ׳מ ׳וח ותורהNehemiah 9:14; ׳מ וח ׳ועדותDeuteronomy 6:17; 1 Chronicles 29:19; 2 Chronicles 34:31; מ ׳דברי ׳וחEzra 7:11; it is used with verbs: נתןLeviticus 26:46 3t.; צוּה‎ Numbers 30:17 9t.; למּדDeuteronomy 4:1 10t.; שׁמר26:17 16t.; עשׂה6:24 5t.; לעשׂות שׁמר11:32 4t.; בְּ הלך1 Kings 8:61 3t. — [On usage of חֹק‎ see חֻקָּה‎ near the end]


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