5066. nagash
Lexical Summary
nagash: to draw near, approach
Original Word: נָגַשׁ
Transliteration: nagash
Phonetic Spelling: (naw-gash')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to draw near, approach
Meaning: to draw near, approach
Strong's Concordance
make to approach nigh, bring forth, hither, near, cause to come hither, near, nigh, give place,

A primitive root; to be or come (causatively, bring) near (for any purpose); euphemistically, to lie with a woman; as an enemy, to attack; relig. To worship; causatively, to present; figuratively, to adduce an argument; by reversal, to stand back -- (make to) approach (nigh), bring (forth, hither, near), (cause to) come (hither, near, nigh), give place, go hard (up), (be, draw, go) near (nigh), offer, overtake, present, put, stand.


H5066. nagash

[נָגַשׁ‎]125 verb draw near, approach, less frequently synonym of קרב‎ q. v. (Late Hebrew id. Hiph`il (rare) and derivatives ); —

Qal68 Imperfect יִגַּשׁExodus 24:14 +, יִגָּ֑שׁPsalm 91:7, וַיִּגַּשׁGenesis 18:23 +; 3 feminine singular וַתִּגַּשׁ33:7; 2masculine singular תִּגַּשֿׁIsaiah 65:5; 3masculine plural יִגְּשׁוּ41:1 +, יִגָּ֑שׁוּExodus 24:2, יִגַּ֑שׁוּJob 41:8 (Baer; van d. H. יִנָּ֑שׁוּ‎); 3 feminine plural וַתִּגַּשְׁןָGenesis 33:6, etc.; Imperative גַּשׁ2 Samuel 1:15, גֶּשֿׁGenesis 19:9, גְּשָׁה27:21 2t.; feminine singular גְּשִׁי‎; Ruth 2:14, etc.; Infinitive construct לָגֶ֫שֶׁתJudges 20:23 +; suffix גִּשְׁתּוֺGenesis 33:3; גִּשְׁתָּםExodus 28:43 2t.; — draw or come near, 1 human subject: followed by אֶלֿ‎ person Genesis 27:22; 43:19; 44:18; 45:4 (all J), Exodus 19:15 (of sexual intercourse), 24:2; Numbers 32:16; Joshua 14:6 (all E), Exodus 34:30; Joshua 21:1 (P), + 10 t. elsewhere (not D), + Psalm 91:7 (subject pestilence personified); of priestly approach to ׳יEzekiel 44:13, compare Jeremiah 30:21b, also followed by אֶלֿ‎ of altar Exodus 28:43; 30:20; Leviticus 21:23 and absolute, 21:21 (all P or H); followed by אֶלֿ‎ of thing also Numbers 8:16; followed by עַדֿ‎ person Genesis 33:3 (J), of thing Judges 9:52; followed by עַלֿ‎ person Ezekiel 9:6, of thing 44:13; followed by בְּ‎ person Isaiah 65:5 ("" אֶלֿ קָרַב‎); in Amos 9:10 read בַעֲדֵנוּ תִּגַּשׁ‎ (for תַּגִּישׁ ᵑ0Hiph`il compare We GASm Dr Now; "" קִדֵּם‎); followed by לַמִּלְחָמָהdraw near for battle Judges 20:23; Jeremiah 46:3; 2 Samuel 10:13 = 1 Chronicles 19:14 (+ לִפְנֵי‎ person); followed by accusative of person 1 Samuel 9:18; 30:21, of thing Numbers 4:19 (P), but accusative difficult; Dr reads אֶלֿ‎ for אֶתֿ1 Samuel 9:18; Numbers 4:19, compare Klo HPS; in 1 Samuel 30:21 Dr takes אֶתֿ‎ = with; followed by הֲלוֺםhither, 14:38; Ruth 2:14; absolute Genesis 18:23; 27:21; 29:10; 33:6-7, 45:4 (all J), Exodus 24:2 (E), Joshua 8:11 (E; + ויבאו‎), + 9 t. (not P, D),+ Genesis 27:26-27, (E), Joshua 3:9 (J), 2 Samuel 1:15; 2 Chronicles 29:31 (all Imperative followed by 2nd Imperative), + Genesis 19:9 (J), Leviticus 21:21 (twice in verse) (H), 2 Kings 4:27 (all followed by Infinitive purpose); Note especially גֶּשׁהָֿ֫לְאָהGenesis 19:9 lit approach thither! i.e. move away ! compare וְאֵשׁ֑בָה גְּשָׁהלִֿי‎ Isaiah 46:20 move away for me (make room for me that I may dwell ("" הַמָּקוֺם צַרלִֿי‎).

2 inanimate subject אֶחָד יִגַּ֫שׁוּ בְּאֶחָדJob 41:8 one to another they approach (fit closely together; of scales of crocodile ). —

Qal not in D.

Niph`al Perfect נִגַּשׁGenesis 33:7 +; 3 feminine singular וְנִגְּשָׁהDeuteronomy 25:9; 3masculine plural נִגְּשׁוּExodus 34:32 +; נִגַּשְׁתֶּם2 Samuel 11:20-21, Participle plural נִגָּשִׁיםExodus 19:22; — draw near =

Qal (and substitute for it in D): — followed by אֶלֿ‎ person Deuteronomy 25:9; 1 Kings 20:13; Ezra 9:1, of priestly approach to Yahweh Exodus 19:22 (J), Jeremiah 30:21; followed by אֶלֿ‎ of thing Exodus 20:21; 24:2 (both E), 2 Samuel 11:20-21, אֶלהַֿמִּשְׁמָּטDeuteronomy 25:1; followed by בְּ‎ person Amos 9:13; followed by לַמִּלְחָמָה1 Samuel 7:10; absolute Genesis 33:7 (J), Deuteronomy 20:2 ("" קרב‎), 21:5; Exodus 34:32 (P), so figurative of worship Isaiah 29:13.

Hiph`il Perfect3masculine singular suffix consecutive וְהִגִּישׁוֺExodus 21:6 (twice in verse), וְהִגִּישָׁהּLeviticus 2:8; 3plural הִגִּ֫ישׁוּ2 Samuel 17:29; 2masculine plural הִגַּשְׁתֶּםAmos 5:25; Imperfect jussive יַגֵּשׁJob 40:19; וַיַגֶּשֿׁGenesis 27:25; וַיַּגַּ֑שׁJudges 6:19; 3feminine singular תַּגִּישׁAmos 9:10, וַתַּגֵּשׁ1 Samuel 28:25; 2 Samuel 13:11; 3masculine plural יַגִּ֫ישׁוּIsaiah 41:22; 2masculine plural תַּגִּ֫ישׁוּMalachi 1:8, תַּגִּישׁוּן1:8, וַתַּגִּישׁוּןAmos 6:3, etc.; Imperative masculine singular הַגִּ֫ישָׁהGenesis 27:25 +; masculine plural הַגִּ֫ישׁוּ1 Samuel 13:9 +; Participle מַגִּישׁMalachi 2:12; plural construct מַגִּישֵׁי3:3, etc.; — cause to approach, bring near, bring, followed by אֶלֿ‎ person (usually object accusative of thing, rarely person Exodus 21:6 (twice in verse); 1 Samuel 15:32; Genesis 48:10 compare 48:13): — 48:10, 13 (E), Exodus 21:6 (twice in verse) (E), 1 Samuel 13:9; 14:34; 15:32; 2 Samuel 13:11 (+ Infinitive purpose), 2 Kings 4:5-6, followed by אֶלהַֿמִּוְבֵּךְַLeviticus 2:8 (P; of sacrifice); עַלמִֿזְבְּחִיMalachi 1:7 (sacrifice); לְ‎ person Genesis 27:25 (twice in verse) (E), 1 Samuel 30:7; 2 Samuel 17:29 (read ᵐ5 וַיַּגִּישׁוּ‎ Th We Klo Kit, compare Dr), of sacrifice Amos 5:25; Malachi 2:12; 3:3; לִפְנֵי‎ person 1 Samuel 28:25; 2 Chronicles 29:23; no preposition Exodus 32:6 (J), 1 Samuel 14:18, 34; 23:9; 30:7; Judges 6:19 (following אֶלֿ הוציא‎), Amos 6:3; 1 Kings 5:1; Leviticus 8:14 (P), of sacrifice also Malachi 1:8 (לִזְבֹּחַ‎), 1:8 ("" הקריב‎); figurative (object proofs, evidences) Isaiah 41:21 ("" קרב‎), 41:22 (+ וַיַּגִּידוּ‎), compare 45:21 ("" הַגִּידוּ‎); חַרְבּוֺ יַגֵּשׁ הָעשֹׁוֺJob 40:19 let him that made him (the hippotamus) draw near his sword, is dubious; Du חֲבֵרָו נֹגֵשׂ‎ [י‎]הֶעָשׂוּwho is made ruler of its fellows (other conjectures see Di Bu); Amos 9:10 read תִּגַּשׁ

Qal q. v. ).

Hoph`al Perfect3masculine plural הֻגַּ֑שׁוּ לאֹלִֿנְחֻשְׁתַּיִם2 Samuel 3:34 (Ginsb הֻגָּ֫שׁוּ‎ thy feet have not been brought near (put into) fetters; Participle לשׁמי מֻגָּשׁMalachi 1:11 it (impersonal) is offered to my name.

Hithpa`el Imperative masculine plural הִתְנַגְּשׁוּIsaiah 45:20 draw near! ("" יָבֹאוּ הִקָּֽבְצוּ‎).

נֵד‎ see II. נדד‎. נֹד‎ see נוד‎.


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