Exodus 29:5
Take the garments and clothe Aaron with the tunic, the robe of the ephod, the ephod itself, and the breastplate. Fasten the ephod on him with its woven waistband.
Cross References
Exodus 28:2
Make holy garments for your brother Aaron, to give him glory and splendor.

Exodus 28:6
They are to make the ephod of finely spun linen embroidered with gold, and with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn.

Exodus 28:8
And the skillfully woven waistband of the ephod must be of one piece, of the same workmanship--with gold, with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and with finely spun linen.

Exodus 28:15
You are also to make a breastpiece of judgment with the same workmanship as the ephod. Construct it with gold, with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and with finely spun linen.

Exodus 28:31
You are to make the robe of the ephod entirely of blue cloth,

Exodus 28:39
You are to weave the tunic with fine linen, make the turban of fine linen, and fashion an embroidered sash.

Leviticus 8:7
He put the tunic on Aaron, tied the sash around him, clothed him with the robe, and put the ephod on him. He tied the woven band of the ephod around him and fastened it to him.

Leviticus 10:5
So they came forward and carried them, still in their tunics, outside the camp, as Moses had directed.

Treasury of Scripture
And you shall take the garments, and put on Aaron the coat, and the robe of the ephod, and the ephod, and the breastplate, and gird him with the curious girdle of the ephod:


Exodus 28:2-8
And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty…

Leviticus 8:7,8
And he put upon him the coat, and girded him with the girdle, and clothed him with the robe, and put the ephod upon him, and he girded him with the curious girdle of the ephod, and bound it unto him therewith…


Exodus 28:8
And the curious girdle of the ephod, which is upon it, shall be of the same, according to the work thereof; even of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen.


Exodus 29:4
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