Download Open Bible

This software is for desktop computers. For mobile devices we recommend the Bible Hub App.

Warning: Very large download, over 1GB. We are working on an installer to make this process much more efficient, so you might be better to wait. By downloading you agree to terms and conditions. The zip file will expand to over 5GB and may take over an hour to unzip. Not all unzip programs can handle this size of file.

You are free to use offline and also to upload to your own website. You are free to modify as needed.

For online use you will want to modify file "top.htm" to use the php search. The adjustment is commented in the html code of file "top.htm"

We are working on an installer to speed up the download process, with the ability to customize and add modules and translations.

Summary of Permissions

The majority of content and code on this site is provided with a CC0 license. You are free to copy, adapt, and share either non commercially or commercially, with or without attribution.

Exceptions to CC0

a) Some Bible texts and other sources are provided along with a copyright notice. These publishers have provided a text that you are free to copy and share. In sharing these sources, however, you are required to maintain copyright notices, and you are not permitted to modify actual Bible text.

b) The search scripts have been created using the ZoomSearchEngine® by Passmark Software®. You are permitted to copy and share the scripts, but must maintain all copyright notices provided in the scripts.

See Full Terms and Conditions