Psalm 89:41
All who pass by plunder him; he has become a reproach to his neighbors.
Cross References
Psalm 44:10
You have made us retreat from the foe, and those who hate us have plundered us.

Psalm 44:13
You have made us a reproach to our neighbors, a mockery and derision to those around us.

Psalm 69:9
because zeal for Your house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult You have fallen on me.

Psalm 69:19
You know my reproach, my shame and disgrace. All my adversaries are before You.

Psalm 79:4
We have become a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and derision to those around us.

Psalm 80:12
Why have You broken down its walls, so that all who pass by pick its fruit?

Treasury of Scripture
All that pass by the way spoil him: he is a reproach to his neighbors.


Psalm 44:10-14
Thou makest us to turn back from the enemy: and they which hate us spoil for themselves…

Psalm 80:13
The boar out of the wood doth waste it, and the wild beast of the field doth devour it.

Isaiah 10:6
I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.

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Psalm 74:10
O God, how long shall the adversary reproach? shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?

Psalm 79:4
We are become a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to them that are round about us.

Deuteronomy 28:37
And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.


Psalm 89:40
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