Proverbs 6:15
Therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly; in an instant he will be shattered beyond recovery.
Cross References
2 Chronicles 36:16
But they mocked the messengers of God, despising His words and scoffing at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD against His people was stirred up beyond remedy.

Psalm 55:15
Let death seize them by surprise; let them go down to Sheol alive, for evil is with them in their homes.

Proverbs 1:26
in turn I will mock your calamity; I will sneer when terror strikes you,

Proverbs 6:16
There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him:

Proverbs 14:32
The wicked man is thrown down by his own sin, but the righteous man has a refuge even in death.

Proverbs 24:16
For though a righteous man may fall seven times, he still gets up; but the wicked stumble in bad times.

Proverbs 24:22
For they will bring sudden destruction. Who knows what ruin they can bring?

Proverbs 29:1
A man who remains stiff-necked after much reproof will suddenly be shattered beyond recovery.

Isaiah 30:13
this iniquity of yours is like a breach about to fail, a bulge in a high wall, whose collapse will come suddenly--in an instant!

Isaiah 30:14
It will break in pieces like a potter's jar, shattered so that no fragment can be found. Not a shard will be found in the dust large enough to scoop the coals from a hearth or to skim the water from a cistern."

Jeremiah 19:11
and you are to proclaim to them that this is what the LORD of Hosts says: I will shatter this nation and this city, like one shatters a potter's jar that can never again be repaired. They will bury the dead in Topheth until there is no more room to bury them.

Treasury of Scripture
Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.

shall his

Proverbs 1:27
When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

Proverbs 29:1
He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

Psalm 73:18-20
Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction…

he be

2 Chronicles 36:16
But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy.

Psalm 50:22
Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.

Jeremiah 19:11
And shalt say unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Even so will I break this people and this city, as one breaketh a potter's vessel, that cannot be made whole again: and they shall bury them in Tophet, till there be no place to bury.


Proverbs 6:14
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