Leviticus 14:40
he must order that the contaminated stones be pulled out and thrown into an unclean place outside the city.
Cross References
Leviticus 14:39
On the seventh day the priest is to return and inspect the house. If the mildew has spread on the walls,

Leviticus 14:41
And he shall have the inside of the house scraped completely and the plaster that is scraped off dumped into an unclean place outside the city.

Treasury of Scripture
Then the priest shall command that they take away the stones in which the plague is, and they shall cast them into an unclean place without the city:

take away

Psalm 101:5,7,8
Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off: him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer…

Proverbs 22:10
Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

Proverbs 25:4,5
Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer…

without the city

Revelation 22:15
For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.


Leviticus 14:39
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