John 18:33
Pilate went back into the Praetorium, summoned Jesus, and asked Him, "Are You the King of the Jews?"
Cross References
Matthew 27:27
Then the governor's soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company around Him.

Luke 23:2
And they began to accuse Him, saying, "We found this man subverting our nation, forbidding payment of taxes to Caesar, and proclaiming Himself to be Christ, a King."

Luke 23:3
So Pilate asked Him, "Are You the King of the Jews?" "You have said so," Jesus replied.

John 18:28
Then they led Jesus away from Caiaphas into the Praetorium. By now it was early morning, and the Jews did not enter the Praetorium, to avoid being defiled and unable to eat the Passover.

John 18:29
So Pilate went out to them and asked, "What accusation are you bringing against this man?"

John 18:34
"Are you saying this on your own," Jesus asked, "or did others tell you about Me?"

John 18:38
"What is truth?" Pilate asked. And having said this, he went out again to the Jews and told them, "I find no basis for a charge against Him.

John 19:4
Once again Pilate came out and said to the Jews, "Look, I am bringing Him out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against Him."

John 19:9
and he went back into the Praetorium. "Where are You from?" he asked. But Jesus gave no answer.

John 19:12
From then on, Pilate tried to release Him, but the Jews kept shouting, "If you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who declares himself a king is defying Caesar."

Treasury of Scripture
Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said to him, Are you the King of the Jews?

and said.

John 18:37
Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

Matthew 27:11
And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest.

Mark 15:2
And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answering said unto him, Thou sayest it.

the king.

John 1:49
Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

John 12:13,15
Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord…

John 19:3,19-22
And said, Hail, King of the Jews! and they smote him with their hands…


John 18:32
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