John 12:38
This was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet: "Lord, who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?"
Cross References
Isaiah 53:1
Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?

John 12:37
Although Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still did not believe in Him.

John 12:39
For this reason they were unable to believe. For again, Isaiah says:

Romans 10:16
But not all of them welcomed the good news. For Isaiah says, "Lord, who has believed our message?"

Treasury of Scripture
That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke, Lord, who has believed our report? and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?


John 15:25
But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

John 17:12
While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

John 19:24,36,37
They said therefore among themselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be: that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did…


2 Chronicles 32:20
And for this cause Hezekiah the king, and the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz, prayed and cried to heaven.


Matthew 15:7
Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,

Acts 8:28-30
Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet…

Romans 10:20
But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.


Isaiah 53:1
Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

Romans 10:16
But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?

the arm.

Psalm 44:3
For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them.

Isaiah 40:10,11
Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him…

Isaiah 51:5,9
My righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth, and mine arms shall judge the people; the isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust…


Matthew 16:17
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

2 Corinthians 3:14-18
But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ…


John 12:37
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