Hosea 2:6
Therefore, behold, I will hedge up her path with thorns; I will enclose her with a wall, so she cannot find her way.
Cross References
2 Corinthians 12:7
or because of these surpassingly great revelations. So to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.

Job 19:8
He has blocked my way so I cannot pass; He has veiled my paths with darkness.

Jeremiah 18:15
Yet My people have forgotten Me. They burn incense to worthless idols that make them stumble in their ways, leaving the ancient roads to walk on rutted bypaths instead of on the highway.

Lamentations 3:7
He has walled me in so I cannot escape; He has weighed me down with chains.

Lamentations 3:9
He has barred my ways with cut stones; He has made my paths crooked.

Hosea 9:6
For even if they flee destruction, Egypt will gather them and Memphis will bury them. Their precious silver will be taken over by thistles, and thorns will overrun their tents.

Hosea 10:8
The high places of Aven will be destroyed--it is the sin of Israel; thorns and thistles will overgrow their altars. Then they will say to the mountains, "Cover us!" and to the hills, "Fall on us!"

Treasury of Scripture
Therefore, behold, I will hedge up your way with thorns, and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths.

I will.

Job 3:23
Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, and whom God hath hedged in?

Job 19:8
He hath fenced up my way that I cannot pass, and he hath set darkness in my paths.

Lamentations 3:7-9
He hath hedged me about, that I cannot get out: he hath made my chain heavy…

make a wall.


Hosea 2:5
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