Hosea 12:13
But by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet he was preserved.
Cross References
Exodus 14:19
And the angel of God, who had gone before the camp of Israel, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from before them and stood behind them,

Numbers 12:8
I speak with him face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the LORD. Why then were you unafraid to speak against My servant Moses?"

Isaiah 63:11
Then His people remembered the days of old, the days of Moses. Where is He who brought them through the sea with the shepherds of His flock? Where is the One who set His Holy Spirit among them,

Hosea 2:15
There I will give back her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor into a gateway of hope. There she will respond as she did in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt.

Hosea 11:1
When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son.

Treasury of Scripture
And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.

Hosea 13:4,5
Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me…

Exodus 12:50,51
Thus did all the children of Israel; as the LORD commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they…

Exodus 13:3
And Moses said unto the people, Remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the LORD brought you out from this place: there shall no leavened bread be eaten.


Hosea 12:12
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