Hebrews 9:6
When everything had been prepared in this way, the priests entered regularly into the first room to perform their sacred duties.
Cross References
Numbers 18:2
But bring with you also your brothers from the tribe of Levi, the tribe of your father, that they may join you and assist you and your sons before the Tent of the Testimony.

Numbers 28:3
And tell them that this is the offering made by fire you are to present to the LORD as a regular burnt offering each day: two unblemished year-old male lambs.

Romans 9:4
the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory and the covenants; theirs the giving of the law, the temple worship, and the promises.

Hebrews 7:11
Now if perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood (for on this basis the people received the law), why was there still need for another priest to appear--one in the order of Melchizedek and not in the order of Aaron?

Treasury of Scripture
Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first tabernacle, accomplishing the service of God.

the priests.

Exodus 27:21
In the tabernacle of the congregation without the vail, which is before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall order it from evening to morning before the LORD: it shall be a statute for ever unto their generations on the behalf of the children of Israel.

Exodus 30:7,8
And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense every morning: when he dresseth the lamps, he shall burn incense upon it…

Numbers 28:3
And thou shalt say unto them, This is the offering made by fire which ye shall offer unto the LORD; two lambs of the first year without spot day by day, for a continual burnt offering.


Hebrews 9:5
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