Habakkuk 1:17
Will he, therefore, empty his net and continue to slay nations without mercy?
Cross References
Isaiah 14:5
The LORD has broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers.

Isaiah 14:6
It struck the peoples in anger with unceasing blows; it subdued the nations in rage with relentless persecution.

Isaiah 19:8
Then the fishermen will mourn, all who cast a hook into the Nile will lament, and those who spread nets on the waters will pine away.

Treasury of Scripture
Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?


Habakkuk 1:9,10
They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand…

Habakkuk 2:5-8,17
Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people: …

Isaiah 14:16,17
They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; …


Habakkuk 1:16
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