Genesis 38:5
Then she gave birth to another son and named him Shelah; it was at Chezib that she gave birth to him.
Cross References
Genesis 38:6
Now Judah acquired a wife for Er, his firstborn, and her name was Tamar.

Numbers 26:20
These were the descendants of Judah by their clans: The Shelanite clan from Shelah, the Perezite clan from Perez, and the Zerahite clan from Zerah.

Treasury of Scripture
And she yet again conceived, and bore a son; and called his name Shelah: and he was at Chezib, when she bore him.


Genesis 38:11,26
Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter in law, Remain a widow at thy father's house, till Shelah my son be grown: for he said, Lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren did. And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house…

Genesis 46:12
And the sons of Judah; Er, and Onan, and Shelah, and Pharez, and Zerah: but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan. And the sons of Pharez were Hezron and Hamul.

Numbers 26:20
And the sons of Judah after their families were; of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites: of Pharez, the family of the Pharzites: of Zerah, the family of the Zarhites.



Genesis 38:4
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