Ezekiel 40:44
Outside the inner gate, within the inner court, were two chambers, one beside the north gate and facing south, and another beside the south gate and facing north.
Cross References
1 Chronicles 6:31
These are the men David put in charge of the music in the house of the LORD after the ark rested there.

1 Chronicles 6:32
They ministered with song before the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, until Solomon built the house of the LORD in Jerusalem. And they performed their duties according to the regulations given them.

1 Chronicles 16:41
With them were Heman, Jeduthun, and the rest of those chosen and designated by name to give thanks to the LORD, for "His loving devotion endures forever."

1 Chronicles 25:1
Additionally, David and the commanders of the army set apart some of the sons of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun to prophesy with the accompaniment of lyres, harps, and cymbals. The following is the list of the men who performed this service:

Ezekiel 40:17
Then he brought me into the outer court, and there were chambers and a pavement laid out all around the court. Thirty chambers faced the pavement,

Ezekiel 40:23
There was a gate to the inner court facing the north gate, just as there was on the east. He measured the distance from gateway to gateway to be a hundred cubits.

Ezekiel 40:27
The inner court also had a gate facing south, and he measured the distance from gateway to gateway toward the south to be a hundred cubits.

Ezekiel 40:38
There was a chamber with a doorway by the portico in each of the inner gateways. There the burnt offering was to be washed.

Ezekiel 40:43
The double-pronged hooks, each a handbreadth long, were fastened all around the inside of the room, and the flesh of the offering was to be placed on the tables.

Treasury of Scripture
And without the inner gate were the chambers of the singers in the inner court, which was at the side of the north gate; and their prospect was toward the south: one at the side of the east gate having the prospect toward the north.

the inner

Ezekiel 40:23,27
And the gate of the inner court was over against the gate toward the north, and toward the east; and he measured from gate to gate an hundred cubits…


Ezekiel 40:7,10,29
And every little chamber was one reed long, and one reed broad; and between the little chambers were five cubits; and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one reed…

1 Chronicles 6:31,32
And these are they whom David set over the service of song in the house of the LORD, after that the ark had rest…

1 Chronicles 16:41-43
And with them Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest that were chosen, who were expressed by name, to give thanks to the LORD, because his mercy endureth for ever; …


Ezekiel 40:43
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