Ezekiel 21:4
Because I will cut off both the righteous and the wicked, My sword will be unsheathed against everyone from south to north.
Cross References
Deuteronomy 32:40
For I lift up My hand to heaven and declare: As surely as I live forever,

Jeremiah 12:12
Over all the barren heights in the wilderness the destroyers have come, for the sword of the LORD devours from one end of the earth to the other. No flesh has peace.

Jeremiah 25:27
"Then you are to tell them that this is what the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: 'Drink, get drunk, and vomit. Fall down and never get up again, because of the sword I will send among you.'

Ezekiel 7:2
"O son of man, this is what the Lord GOD says to the land of Israel: 'The end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land.

Ezekiel 14:17
Or if I bring a sword against that land and say, 'Let a sword pass through it,' so that I cut off from it both man and beast,

Ezekiel 20:46
"Son of man, set your face toward the south, preach against it, and prophesy against the forest of the Negev.

Ezekiel 20:47
Say to the forest of the Negev: Hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Lord GOD says: I am about to ignite in you a fire, and it will devour all your trees, both green and dry. The blazing flame will not be quenched, and by it every face from south to north will be scorched.

Treasury of Scripture
Seeing then that I will cut off from you the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:


Ezekiel 6:11-14
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Smite with thine hand, and stamp with thy foot, and say, Alas for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel! for they shall fall by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence…

Ezekiel 7:2
Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD unto the land of Israel; An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land.

Ezekiel 20:47
And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.


Ezekiel 21:3
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