Ezekiel 16:42
So I will lay to rest My wrath against you, and My jealousy will turn away from you. Then I will be calm and no longer angry.
Cross References
2 Samuel 24:25
And there he built an altar to the LORD and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. Then the LORD answered the prayers on behalf of the land, and the plague upon Israel was halted.

Isaiah 40:1
"Comfort, comfort My people," says your God.

Isaiah 40:2
"Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her forced labor has been completed; her iniquity has been pardoned. For she has received from the hand of the LORD double for all her sins."

Isaiah 54:9
"For to Me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So I have sworn that I will not be angry with you or rebuke you.

Isaiah 54:10
Though the mountains may be removed and the hills may be shaken, My loving devotion will not depart from you, and My covenant of peace will not be broken," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

Ezekiel 5:13
And when My anger is spent and I have vented My wrath against them, I will be appeased. And when I have spent My wrath on them, they will know that I, the LORD, in My zeal have spoken.

Ezekiel 21:17
I too will strike My hands together, and I will satisfy My wrath.' I, the LORD, have spoken."

Ezekiel 39:29
And I will no longer hide My face from them, for I will pour out My Spirit on the house of Israel, declares the Lord GOD."

Zechariah 6:8
Then the LORD summoned me and said, "Behold, those going to the land of the north have given rest to My Spirit in the land of the north."

Treasury of Scripture
So will I make my fury toward you to rest, and my jealousy shall depart from you, and I will be quiet, and will be no more angry.

will I

Ezekiel 5:13
Thus shall mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the LORD have spoken it in my zeal, when I have accomplished my fury in them.

Ezekiel 21:17
I will also smite mine hands together, and I will cause my fury to rest: I the LORD have said it.

2 Samuel 21:14
And the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son buried they in the country of Benjamin in Zelah, in the sepulchre of Kish his father: and they performed all that the king commanded. And after that God was intreated for the land.

and will

Ezekiel 39:29
Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.

Isaiah 40:1,2
Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God…

Isaiah 54:9,10
For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee…


Ezekiel 16:41
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