Deuteronomy 31:15
Then the LORD appeared at the tent in a pillar of cloud, and the cloud stood over the entrance to the tent.
Cross References
Exodus 33:9
As Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and remain at the entrance, and the LORD would speak with Moses.

Deuteronomy 31:16
And the LORD said to Moses, "You will soon rest with your fathers, and these people will rise up and prostitute themselves with the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will forsake Me and break the covenant I have made with them.

Treasury of Scripture
And the LORD appeared in the tabernacle in a pillar of a cloud: and the pillar of the cloud stood over the door of the tabernacle.

Exodus 33:9,10
And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the LORD talked with Moses…

Exodus 40:38
For the cloud of the LORD was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.

Psalm 99:7
He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar: they kept his testimonies, and the ordinance that he gave them.


Deuteronomy 31:14
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