1 Samuel 27:6
That day Achish gave him Ziklag, and to this day it still belongs to the kings of Judah.
Cross References
Joshua 15:31
Ziklag, Madmannah, Sansannah,

Joshua 19:5
Ziklag, Beth-marcaboth, Hazar-susah,

1 Samuel 27:5
Then David said to Achish, "If I have found favor in your eyes, let me be assigned a place in one of the outlying towns, so I can live there. For why should your servant live in the royal city with you?"

1 Samuel 29:4
But the commanders of the Philistines were angry with Achish and told him, "Send that man back and let him return to the place you assigned him. He must not go down with us into battle only to become our adversary during the war. What better way for him to regain the favor of his master than with the heads of our men?

1 Samuel 30:1
On the third day David and his men arrived in Ziklag, and the Amalekites had raided the Negev, attacked Ziklag, and burned it down.

Nehemiah 11:28
in Ziklag; in Meconah and its villages;

Treasury of Scripture
Then Achish gave him Ziklag that day: why Ziklag pertains to the kings of Judah to this day.

1 Samuel 30:1,14
And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire; …

1 Samuel 19:5
For he did put his life in his hand, and slew the Philistine, and the LORD wrought a great salvation for all Israel: thou sawest it, and didst rejoice: wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to slay David without a cause?

2 Samuel 1:1
Now it came to pass after the death of Saul, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites, and David had abode two days in Ziklag;


1 Samuel 27:5
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