1 Samuel 24:6
So he said to his men, "The LORD forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the LORD's anointed. May I never lift my hand against him, since he is the LORD's anointed."
Cross References
1 Samuel 12:3
Here I am. Bear witness against me before the LORD and before His anointed: Whose ox or donkey have I taken? Whom have I cheated or oppressed? From whose hand have I accepted a bribe and closed my eyes? Tell me, and I will restore it to you."

1 Samuel 24:7
With these words David restrained his men, and he did not let them rise up against Saul. Then Saul left the cave and went on his way.

1 Samuel 26:9
But David said to Abishai, "Do not destroy him, for who can lift a hand against the LORD's anointed and be guiltless?"

1 Samuel 26:11
But the LORD forbid that I should stretch out my hand against the LORD's anointed. Instead, take the spear and water jug by his head, and let us go."

2 Samuel 1:14
So David asked him, "Why were you not afraid to lift your hand to destroy the LORD's anointed?"

Treasury of Scripture
And he said to his men, The LORD forbid that I should do this thing to my master, the LORD's anointed, to stretch forth my hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the LORD.

the Lord forbid

1 Samuel 26:9-11
And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand against the LORD'S anointed, and be guiltless? …

2 Samuel 1:14
And David said unto him, How wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the LORD'S anointed?

1 Kings 21:3
And Naboth said to Ahab, The LORD forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee.


1 Samuel 24:5
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