1 Chronicles 29:21
The next day they offered sacrifices and presented burnt offerings to the LORD: a thousand bulls, a thousand rams, and a thousand lambs, along with their drink offerings, and other sacrifices in abundance for all Israel.
Cross References
1 Kings 8:62
Then the king and all Israel with him offered sacrifices before the LORD.

1 Kings 8:63
And Solomon offered as peace offerings to the LORD 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep. So the king and all the Israelites dedicated the house of the LORD.

Treasury of Scripture
And they sacrificed sacrifices to the LORD, and offered burnt offerings to the LORD, on the morrow after that day, even a thousand bullocks, a thousand rams, and a thousand lambs, with their drink offerings, and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel:


1 Kings 8:62-65
And the king, and all Israel with him, offered sacrifice before the LORD…

2 Chronicles 7:4-9
Then the king and all the people offered sacrifices before the LORD…

Ezra 6:17
And offered at the dedication of this house of God an hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a sin offering for all Israel, twelve he goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

drink offerings

Leviticus 23:13
And the meat offering thereof shall be two tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering made by fire unto the LORD for a sweet savour: and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine, the fourth part of an hin.

Numbers 15:5,7,10
And the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink offering shalt thou prepare with the burnt offering or sacrifice, for one lamb…


1 Chronicles 29:20
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