1 Chronicles 16:35
Then cry out: 'Save us, O God of our salvation; gather and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to Your holy name, that we may glory in Your praise.'
Cross References
Acts 26:17
I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to them

Psalm 106:47
Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to Your holy name, that we may glory in Your praise.

Psalm 106:48
Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say, "Amen!" Hallelujah!

Treasury of Scripture
And say you, Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give thanks to your holy name, and glory in your praise.

Save us

Psalm 14:7
Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the LORD bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.

Psalm 53:6
Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! When God bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.

Psalm 79:9,10
Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake…

that we may give

Psalm 105:45
That they might observe his statutes, and keep his laws. Praise ye the LORD.

Isaiah 43:21
This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.

Ephesians 1:12
That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.


1 Chronicles 16:9,10
Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works…

Psalm 44:8
In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Selah.

Isaiah 45:25
In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.


1 Chronicles 16:34
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